Easings.avsi — AviSynth version of Easings

This is a port of the jQuery UI easings, which are licensed under the MIT license. So I guess this is too.

The jQuery easings are originally from Robert Panner (http://www.easings.net).

Easings all take a value from 0.0-1.0. They then return a value that’s generally from 0.0-1.0 (although it may be outside that range). All easings should return 0.0 when given 0.0 and 1.0 when given 1.0 but beyond those restrictions may return anything for values in between.

For a live demo of the easings in your browser, see easings.net, or take a look at Examples\Easings.avs to see these effects.

The following easings are defined:

  • Linear
  • Quad
  • Cubic
  • Quint
  • Expo
  • Sine
  • Circ
  • Elastic
  • Back
  • Bounce

Each easing comes with four types:

  • Easing<NAME>, EaseIn<NAME> (these are identical)
  • EaseOut<NAME> (the inverse of EaseIn)
  • EaseInOut<NAME> (does EaseIn for the first half, then EaseOut for the second)

So for Linear, the following functions are available:

  • EasingLinear
  • EaseInLinear
  • EaseOutLinear
  • EaseInOutLinear

(Although in the case of linear, they all do the exact same thing!)

Clamp(v, vMin=0.0, vMax=1.0)
  • v (float) – the value
  • vMin (float) – the minimum allowed value, defaults to 0.0
  • vMax (float) – the maximum allowed value, defaults to 1.0

the given value clamped to the given range

Utility to clamp a value into a range. By default this clamps to 0.0-1.0, which can be useful for certain transitions.

This is simply Min(vMax, Max(vMin, v)) but reads slightly less weirdly.

Easing(name, value)
  • name (string) – the name of the easing function (one of those listed above: e.g., "EaseInSine" or "EaseInOutBounce")
  • value (float) – the value (between 0.0 and 1.0 inclusive) to use

a value representing the current easing value. This may be outside the 0.0-1.0 range for some easings.

Utility function for calling an easing function by name. Note that there doesn’t appear to be any way to sanitize a string to ensure you haven’t put in anything invalid, so this function doesn’t bother trying to do that.