Timer.avsi — Overlay a Timer

Create an overlay on top of an existing clip that is a timer.

Timer(video, timer, x, y, start_frame, end_frame, colon_width, use_dashes, type)
  • video (clip) – the video to overlay the timer on top of
  • timer (clip) – a clip to use for the timer digits
  • x, y (int) – the x, y coordinates (defaults to 0, 0)
  • start_frame (int) – the first frame to display the timer on (defaults to 0)
  • end_frame (int) – the last frame to end the timer on (defaults to the video‘s FrameCount)
  • colon_width (int) – the width of the colon glyph, otherwise assumed to be the same as the digits
  • use_dashes (bool) – indicates that the timer contains 12 glyphs, the 12th is a dash to use before the timer starts. The dash is always the width of a digit as it replaces the digits. (Defaults to false)
  • type (string) – either "MS" to only show minutes/seconds or "HMS" to show hours/minutes/seconds. Default is "MS" if the time span from start to end is less than an hour, "HMS" if it is an hour or more.

Overlay the given video with a timer, using the given information.

The timer clip should be an image clip (as only the first frame will be used - I think), which contains each of the digits starting at 0 and ending at 9, and then a colon to use to separate hours/minutes/seconds.

If use_dashes is true then the timer image should be 0-9, the dash, and finally the colon.

TimerWithMillis(video, timer, timer_ms, x, y, start_frame, end_frame, colon_width, colon_width_ms, use_dashes, type)
  • video (clip) – the video to overlay the timer on top of
  • timer (clip) – a clip to use for the timer digits
  • timer_ms (clip) – a clip to use for the timer digits
  • x, y (int) – the x, y coordinates (defaults to 0, 0)
  • start_frame (int) – the first frame to display the timer on (defaults to 0)
  • end_frame (int) – the last frame to end the timer on (defaults to the video‘s FrameCount)
  • colon_width (int) – the width of the colon glyph, otherwise assumed to be the same as the digits
  • colon_width_ms (int) – the width of the colon glyph for the milliseconds digits, otherwise assumed to be the same as the millisecond digits
  • use_dashes (bool) – indicates that the timer contains 12 glyphs, the 12th is a dash to use before the timer starts. The dash is always the width of a digit as it replaces the digits. (Defaults to false)
  • type (string) – either "MS" to only show minutes/seconds or "HMS" to show hours/minutes/seconds. Default is "MS" if the time span from start to end is less than an hour, "HMS" if it is an hour or more.

Overlay the given video with a timer, using the given information.

The timer clip should be an image clip (as only the first frame will be used - I think), which contains each of the digits starting at 0 and ending at 9, and then a colon to use to separate hours/minutes/seconds. The millisecond image can be a different size to allow milliseconds to be smaller than the main digits.

If use_dashes is true then both timer images should be 0-9, the dash, and finally the colon.